Российский паразитологический журнал (May 2020)
Epizootology and Control Measures Against Parascaridosis in Horses in Chechen Republic
The purpose of the research is to study parascaridosis epizootology in horses in different natural climatic zones of Chechen Republic, test of alben and ivermek efficiency against parascaris and study persistence of their activity. Materials and methods. Generalization of parascaridosis in horses under Chechen Republic conditions has been studied and evaluation of alben and ivermek efficiency in the cases of parascaridosis has been conducted in 2016-2017. 1864 fecal specimen of 382 horses of different age-sex groups from farms of plain, piedmont and mountain zones have been studied. Fecal specimens have been studied according to Fulbourn's and Darling's method. Animals infected by parascaris have been divided into 3 groups of 14 animals in each. Alben was administered to the animals of the first group orally as a single dose of 7.5 mg/kg of body weight on AS, to the animals of the second group 1 % ivermek solution in a dose of 200 µg/kg on AS (1 ml per 50 kg of body weight). Horses of the third group did not get medication and were control. Supervision over efficiency and registration of persistent activity of medications were conducted on the principle critical test: 3 days before medication administration, every day during 1 week after dehelminthization and once a month during 5 months. Terms of detachment Р. equоrum eggs into external medium with feces were also taken into account.Results and discussion. Prevalence of parascaridosis in different natural climatic zones of the republic varies and comes up to 23.42% in plain zone, 15.70% in piedmont zone and 4.85% in mountain zone of the republic. In prairie-steppe regions of the plain zone of the left bank of the river Terek as compared with the right bank the difference of invasion was 13.15%, with piedmont zone the difference was 7.72% and with mountain zone it was 18.57%. 97% efficiency of alben in the cases of parascaridosis in grown-up horses and in growing horses was established by us. P. equorum eggs were not detected in feces of broodmares after a single administration of alben within 5 days and in feces of growing horses within 7 days. The term of persistent activity was 90 and 120 days respectively. 1% ivermek solution showed the 100 % efficiency in the cases of parascaridosis in growing horses and in grown-up horses. Detachment of eggs from feces after dehelminthization by ivermek was finished on the 5–7 days after treatment.