Открытое образование (Москва) (Mar 2018)
Peculiarities of the pedagogical situation at the training of bachelors on the direction 08.03.01 «Construction» on the example of discipline of specialization
Requirements to the quality of students’ training are constantly growing; employers also are interested in obtaining high-quality professionals in the current system of Bachelor’s – Master’s degree. For the efficient operation of the system “lecturer” – “student” it is necessary to have highly qualified lecturers and modern material and technical equipment for the educational process.The goal of this work is to perform the analysis of the current teaching situation; on the example of the profile discipline to develop a learning algorithm and its implementation in accordance with the laws of the didactics of Bachelors in 08.01.03 construction direction “Highways”.Materials and methods: the methods of research consist in studying the basics of Didactics (learning theory) with positions of interdisciplinary areas of knowledge, such as general theory and graph sys tems, familiarizing with the functioning laws of the learning process, pedagogical technologies of domestic and foreign researchers. Basic materials were the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from 12.03.2015 N 201 “On approval of the federal state educational standard of higher education in preparing 08.03.01 construction (Bachelor level)” (Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia 07.04.2015 N 36767); core curriculum educational programs for Bachelors in 08.03.01 “Construction”, as well as educational and methodical complex of discipline that was developed by the leading lecturer in accordance with the legal requirements.Results: The presented model of the logical structure of the training course of the discipline “Fundamentals of the design of transport structures” makes it possible to visualize in the graph system the totality of interaction between the didactic units of the discipline under study with other disciplines of the basic educational program, their interrelation and hierarchy. The assessment of the nature of the existing links of the learning process performed in the work made it possible to identify the problems and contradictions of the latter.The developed learning technology of mastering the profile discipline takes into account the levels of training and learning that allows creating an effective communication channel “lecturer” – “student”, the successful work of which creates opportunities for solving a large number of methodological problems of teaching and self-study of the course.Conclusion: The analysis of works on pedagogy, psychology, didactics and technology of the educational process performed in the article allowed to develop an effective logical structure of the educational material. This structure contributes to the systematization and generalization of knowledge, obtained by students in junior courses in the study of disciplines of the natural-mathematical and natural-scientific cycles, which are basic for mastering profile disciplines in senior courses.It is possible to improve the existing situation, perhaps by developing effective methodology of teaching technical subjects of appropriate specialization, which will produce positive results with the right logical structure of the course, individualization of learning, and regular quality control of knowledge. As a result, the student acquires the skills, necessary for professional practice, skills in working with regulatory and technical literature, graphic editors, computer programs and technologies and, due to, the initial experience to design traffic facilities, necessary for the formation of practical skills and abilities, development of competencies and didactic units, corresponding to the profile of the “Highways”.