VAKKI Publications (Dec 2022)
Ilmastonmuutokseen sopeutumisesta viestiminen suurelle yleisölle: Kirjallisuuskatsaus sopeutumisviestinnän haasteista ja mahdollisuuksista
The global climate is changing rapidly, making climate change adaptation–alongside mitigation– an inevitable part of the solution to the crisis. Consequently, the societal need to communicate on climate change adaptation is also increasing, and so, in this integrative literature review, I identify the current challenges and opportunities of adaptation communication. In the first section, I present the existing landscape of climate communication research and position adaptation communication as a sub-branch of this tradition, sharing both its practice-oriented nature and its goal to find the most effective ways of communicating climate change. The review follows a classic approach by identifying the challenges and opportunities of emerging adaptation communication which are understood both to share some of the central characteristics of general climate communication and to have their own distinct features. The communicative challenges and opportunities found in the selected articles (n=106) were categorized across six thematical dimensions, namely 1) novel adaptation; 2) local adaptation; 3) adaptation as resignation; 4) economic rational adaptation; 5) adaptation as risk preparedness; and 6) adaptation as transformation.