Ожирение и метаболизм (Aug 2024)
Corrigendum: A Rare Case of Co-occurrence of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. (Obesity and metabolism. 2024;21(1):79-84. doi: https://doi.org/10.14341/omet13015)
A corrigendum on "A Rare Case of Co-occurrence of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome and Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia" by Axenia S. Bondarenko, Elizaveta O. Mamedova, Zhanna E. Belaya, Galina A. Melnichenko (2024). Obesity and metabolism. 2024;21(1):79-84. DOI: 10.14341/omet13015.On the page 82, the following text was added: "The presented case was first described in the dissertation of Kareva M.A. The author draws the readers' attention to the fact that the presence of CAH in the patient could lead to a delayed diagnosis of the second monogenic disease — MEN-1: episodes of indomitable vomiting in this case were considered as a manifestation of salt-wasting crises, but it cannot be excluded that they could be associated with the development of severe hypercalcaemia in the patient [30]".A new source has been added in the reference list section under No. 30: «Kareva M.A. Vrozhdennaya disfunkciya kory nadpochechnikov u detej: epidemiologiya, geneticheskaya osnova, personalizirovannyj podhod k diagnostike i lecheniyu, monitoring somaticheskogo i reproduktivnogo zdorov’ya. [dissertation] Moscow; 2018. (In Russ)».