Вестник Северо-Кавказского федерального университета (Sep 2022)
Forming the personality of future leaders of the global high-tech markets on the example of the Foodnet market of the national technological initiative
The article outlines the existing directions for the formation of the personality of future leaders of global high-tech markets on the example of the Foodnet market of the National Technology Initiative. The relevance of the scientific study of the personality of the future leaders of the global high-tech markets in the sixth technological mode is considered. A psychological and pedagogical model of the personality of future leaders of global high-tech markets has been developed, which includes: personal interests; ethics in the use of digital technologies; relationship with society; value orientations; identity of the agricultural producer; responsibility and relationships with others. The experts presented the ethical principles that agricultural producers should follow, taking into account the trend in the development of digital technologies in agriculture. Priorities for the development of ethical principles when using Foodnet technologies were identified.