Poultry Science (Oct 2021)
Research Note: Study on the residue depletion of febrifugine and isofebrifugine in broiler chicken
ABSTRACT: In this study, 105 broiler chickens were fed with dietary feeds containing different contents of Dichroae Radix extract for 10 consecutive days. Then the residue depletions of its main alkaloids (febrifugine and isofebrifugine) in muscle, kidney and liver samples at different withdrawal times were determined by an ultra-performance liquid chromatography method. Results showed that the 2 alkaloids were mainly at tissue-bound formation. At withdrawal period of 0 d, their concentrations in all samples were high but decreased rapidly after 1 day of cessation (35–91%). After 5 to 7 days of cessation, their residues in muscle and kidney were not detectable, and after at least 10 days of cessation they were not detectable in liver. These results indicated that an appropriate withdrawal time for Dichroae Radix preparation was required if it is licensed as a new drug, and the best target tissue for monitoring its residue was liver.