Historijska Misao (Dec 2015)
Osnivanje, položaj i aktivnosti prvog Udruženja službenika Islamske zajednice u socijalističkoj Bosni i Hercegovini
The author, using published and unpublished sources, analyzes the formationand activities of the Association of officials of the Islamic Community in Bosnia andHerzegovina in the first post-war decade. Also the structure and organization of theAssociation was presented, including material provision of the Association members,assisting members in the performance of their religious duties and the influence of theAssociation on the promotion of religious and moral life. The text, based on reliablesources, indicates that the management of the Association of Ilmija in this period onlyformally expressed the interests and opinions of their membership. In reality, however, theAssociation was just a cover under which the communist government realized its goals.