Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (Jan 1999)

Freqüência da infecção pelo papilomavírus humano em mulheres com ectopia cervical Frequency of human papillomavirus infection in women with cervical ectopia

  • Eddie Fernando Candido Murta,
  • Welington Lombardi,
  • Luciana Souza Borges,
  • Maria Azniv Hazarabedian de Souza,
  • Sheila Jorge Adad

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 8
pp. 447 – 449


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RESUMO Objetivo: fatores como múltiplos parceiros sexuais, idade, início precoce da atividade sexual, fumo e uso de anticoncepcional oral (ACO) têm sido relacionados com a maior incidência de infecção pelo papilomavírus humano (HPV). A presença de ectopia cervical também tem sido relacionada, embora com resultados contraditórios. O objetivo deste é analisar um grupo de mulheres com infecção pelo HPV e verificar a incidência de ectopia cervical. Métodos: foram estudadas 471 mulheres com diagnóstico de infecção pelo HPV por meio da citologia (critério de Schneider et al.) e a relação com a ectopia cervical, uso de ACO e a sexarca. Resultado: dos 471 casos estudados, 182 (38,6%) apresentavam ectopia. Das 182 pacientes com ectopia, 157 (86,3%) tinham idade igual ou inferior a 30 anos, ao passo que 47,8% das pacientes sem ectopia pertenciam a esse grupo etário (pSUMMARY Purpose: the number of male sexual partners, age, precocious beginning of sexual activity, cigarette smoking and oral contraception were correlated with human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, as were cervical ectopia, although with conflicting results. The objective is to analyze a group of women with HPV infection and to verify the incidence of cervical ectopia. Methods: we have studied 471 women with Papanicolaou smears suggesting HPV infection (Schneider et al.'s criteria) and its relationship with cervical ectopia, beginning of sexual activity and the use of oral contraceptive. Results: of the total of cases, 182 (38.6%) had ectopia. Of these, 157 (86.3%) were 30 years old or less, compared to 47.8% of women without ectopia (p<0.001, chi² test). A percentage of 77.4 of cases with ectopia had the beginning of sexual activity before 18 years compared to 71.3% cases without ectopia. Among women with ectopia, 45.7% had taken the pill recently compared to 24.3% which had not (p<0.001, chi² test). Conclusions: it was concluded that the beginning of sexual activity was not correlated with ectopia. The prevalence of ectopia was more commom in women under 30 years and/or in use of oral contraceptive.
