MATEC Web of Conferences (Jan 2018)
Design of facility layout with lean service and market basket analysis method to simplification of service process in the supermarket
Supermarket company is a retail company in the field of services that sell various daily necessaries such as food, beverages, fruits, cosmetics, detergents, glassware and so forth. Problems that occur in this company is consumers are still looking for items to be purchased, notices of goods that are still wrong by the salesperson, miss communication occurs, the goods have not been neatly arranged, price tags are often lost, and items that are not complete. This resulted in longer service process time. The method used in overcoming this problem is using Lean Service and Market Basket Analysis method. The result of Lean Service method is eliminating waste in the company by using 5W + 1H concept. After the identification of waste, the company's layout is improved by using Market Basket Analysis method. In Market Basket Analysis method determined the number of samples, calculate the value of support factor, confident, and improvement ratio. The result of Market Basket Analysis method there is 14 products that have influence between one product with another. From these results obtained 3 alternative layouts and chosen the best layout alternative.