Listy klinicke logopedie (Dec 2022)
Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
Due to its complex nature, speech can be divided into four basic linguistic levels (phonetic-phonological, lexical-semantic, morphological-syntactic, and pragmatic). Within the linguistically oriented directions, we have recently seen an increased interest in the field of Pragmalinguistics. However, Clinical Speech Therapy publications devoted to the pragmatic language level and difficulties in the field of social pragmatic communication are still lacking. The diagnosis of Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder has recently been included in the DSM-V diagnostic manual of the American Psychiatric Society (APA). The diagnosis of Developmental Language Disorder, with difficulties mainly in pragmatic communication, is newly included in ICD-11 - the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems. In the meantime, we are currently waiting for the implementation of MKN-11 in the Czech healthcare system. This article considers the differences in the definition of this diagnosis within the DSM-V and ICD-11, the need for the emergence of new diagnostic tools and the possibility of conceptualising therapeutic procedures.