Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (Jan 2008)
The effect of quickly fermented pig manure on the broccoli yield parameters and selected soil parameters
The effect of Difert (a pig manure fermented by caddices of domestic flies produced on sawdust litter) on broccoli yield parameters and selected soil parameters were investigated on gleic fluvisol in a small-plot field trial localized at area of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (48°18´ N, 18°05´ E).The results showed that Difert applied in doses of 250 kg N . ha−1 and 350 kg N . ha−1 acted positively on the yields of fresh primary broccoli roses. However, the results are not statistically significant. Also a positive effect on N, P, K, Ca, Mg contents in broccoli roses was recorded. Difert has a moderate alkalizing effect on soil and increases the content of Cox in the soil. Moreover Difert insignificantly decreased the content of vitamin C and significantly increased the content of nitrates in broccoli roses, but the worst qualitative effect on broccoli parameters was detected by applying mineral N fertilizers, which significantly increased the content of nitrates in broccoli roses and insignificantly decreased the vitamin C content. However, it resulted in the highest broccoli yields. The application of mineral N fertilizers had a negative effect on the total content of carbon in the soil as well.The effect of Difert on broccoli yield and soil parameters refers to the feasibility of reducing the maturing period of the manure from 6 months to 1 week, in order to decrease the manure storage capacities.