Julius-Kühn-Archiv (Sep 2018)
Polyphenol-Variabilität von zypriotischem Cistus creticus L.
30 populations (235 individual plants) of Cypriot Cistus creticus L. were analysed to learn more about intraspecific polyphenol variability. The most important compounds were punicalagin and punicalagin gallate as well as myricetin glycosides (with myricetin-3-O-rhamnosid as main myricetin glycoside) and quercetin glycosides (with quercetin-3-O-rhamnosid as main quercetin glycoside). The variability observed was high between as well as within populations. The content of punicalagin and punicalagin gallate ranged between 6.3 and 159.9 mg/g dry mass. The content of the most important myricetin glycosides ranged between 8.8 and 33.5 mg/g dry mass and that of the quercetin glycosides was between 1.1 and 12.1 mg/g dry mass. Concerning myricetin and quercetin glycosides a geographical gradient was obvious, with slightly lesser contents of these compounds in the north-western populations and slightly higher amounts in more eastern populations of the sampled area.