Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu Aastaraamat (Apr 2018)
Keeleressursside loomise ja kasutamisega seonduvaid isikuandmete kaitse küsimusi
"Data protection issues relating to the development and utilisation of language resources" Copyright issues related to language resources have received considerable attention. Personal data protection in the field of language research is an area which is not thoroughly explored yet. This topic is very relevant since the General Data Protection Regulation is applicable from 25 May 2018. The authors analyse the issues relating to personal data protection in the context of the development and utilization of language resources. Firstly, the authors analyse the cases where there is a consent which allows processing of personal data to develop and use language resources for research purposes. Secondly, the processing of personal data without consent for language research purposes is explored. The article is meant to provide practical information to language research community and create a foundation for further discussion.