Jurnal Berkala Epidemiologi (Nov 2016)

The Differences of Condom use Among Transgender to Regular Partner and Clients

  • Septiana Ningtiyas,
  • Prijono Satyabakti

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 4, no. 1
pp. 87 – 99


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HIV prevalence among transgender in Surabaya based STBP in 2011 has reached 24%. The high prevalence in the transgender group caused by risky sexual behavior that is not consistent in using condoms and changing sex partners. Transgender sex couples not only client, but transgender have a regular partner also called a boyfriend or husband. Program at transgender condom use has not been effective or has not reached the target. Condom use among transgender is determined by sex partners. The study aimed to describe the differences of condom use among transgender to regular partner and clients. This study used cross sectional design research descriptive with qualitative approach. There were 9 informants to accomplish this study by purposive sampling with certain criteria such as transgenders prostitutes who are associated with association of transgender in Surabaya (Perwakos) that were actively doing prostitution, transgender prostitutes who had a regular partner and transgender prostitutes who performed those sexual activities in Surabaya. The variables studied were knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, condom use. Data were analyzed using transcripts of data, data reduction, data display, verification. The results showed that condom use in regular partner lower than the clients. This is caused by the bad attitude and perception, accompanied domination emotional factors. There were no differences of condom use between regular partner with clients. Therefore necessary to motivate transgender Perwakos to always use a condom during sex with regular partner and clients, as well as increased knowledge of HIV-AIDS and the benefits of condoms to regular partner and transgender clients. Keywords: condom use, transgender, HIV-AIDS, regular partner, clients