SA Journal of Industrial Psychology (Jun 1994)
Performance management - Problems and possible solutions
In view of the fact that Performance Management has not consistently met expectations, a survey of potential problems was conducted among nine major South African organizations. The sample comprised 374 middle and senior managers. Results indicate a high incidence of significantly important problems. Recommendations for alleviating problems with implementation of the system were made. Opsomming In die lig daarvan dat Prestasiebestuur nie konsekwent aan verwagtinge voldoen het nie, is 'n opname van probleme wat met Prestasiebestuur ervaar word, gedoen. 374 middel- en senior bestuurders van nege groot Suid-Afrikaanse on-dernemings is by die ondersoek betrek. Resultate dui op 'n hoe voorkoms van beduidend belangrike probleme. Aan-bevelings is voorgestel vir die uitskakeling van probleme tydens implementering en instandhouding van die stelsel.