Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()
Workshops as a democratic proposal in order to change the supervision work in nursing
ABSTRACT Objective: to report the experience of developing workshops as an intervention strategy in an action research, aiming to review the work of supervision in hospital nursing. Method: to report of the experience of planning, developing and evaluating workshops with a psychosocial approach. Three workshops were held, in a reserved place, with the participation of 21 supervisors of a public university hospital. Each workshop was organized with heating, day work, closure with syntheses and consensus. Results: the work provided the exchange of experiences, reflections and proposals for difficulties identified in the work process that distract supervisors from the management of assistance such as communication failure, reworking and lack of definition of assignments in the team. Conclusion: the dynamics of the workshops favored supervisors to propose solutions to the difficulties of their practice in a more democratic and participative way, through dialogical interactions, sharing of the feelings pertinent to the work context and establishing consensus for the completion of the task.