Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()

Enhancing the process of teaching and learning homecare

  • Ana Paula Hermann,
  • Maria Ribeiro Lacerda,
  • Jaqueline Dias do Nascimento,
  • Ingrid Meireles Gomes,
  • Débora Cristina Paes Zatoni

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 71, no. 1
pp. 156 – 162


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ABSTRACT Objective: to identify possibilities for improvement in the process of teaching and learning homecare in nursing, pharmacy, medicine, nutrition, dentistry and occupational therapy courses. Method: qualitative research using the Grounded Theory approach. Sixty-three semi-structured interviews were conducted with students, teachers and graduates of the six mentioned courses at a public university in the south of Brazil. Data analysis was performed through open, axial and selective coding. Results: the possibilities for improving the process of teaching and learning homecare included: scientific production in the area; use of different teaching techniques; development of extracurricular activities; extension projects; curricular reformulation; and laboratory simulation. Final considerations: the strategies cited in this study enable undergraduate courses in health to envisage the possibility of enhance the process of teaching and learning homecare.
