Kuwait Journal of Science (Sep 2013)
Performance analysis of 66/11 KV substation using Petri nets and vague lambda tau methodology
ABSTRACT In this paper, a new methodology named as vague lambda-tau, is proposed for reliability analysis of the repairable systems. In this methodology, vague set theory is coupled with conventional lambda-tau method to evaluate the vague expressions for OR/AND-transition of Petri nets model. This paper involves the qualitative and qualitative analysis of 66/11 KV substation system. In qualitative analysis, Petri net model is obtained from its equivalent fault tree and in quantitative analysis, reliability parameters are evaluated using vague lambda-tau methodology. By using this approach, system reliability can be analyzed in a more flexible and more intelligent manner. Keywords: 66/11 KV substation system; vague lambda-tau methodology; fault tree; Petri nets modeling.