Управленческое консультирование (Jun 2018)
Reindustrialization and Formation of “Digital Economy”: Harmonization of Tendencies through Process of Innovative Development
The economy of Russia is in modern conditions at a stage of the transformation caused as shortterm trends (an exit from recession), and long-term (change of a traditional paradigm of development). The attention of authors is concentrated on tendencies of reindustrialization, development of “digital economy”, accelerations of innovative and technological development. Based on the analysis of theoretical views of these tendencies and empirical material a valid conclusion that these tendencies do not contradict each other, and can be harmonized within the state economic policy. In this regard, tools of the last demand a certain updating and improvement. Formation of the new industrial society having not only the high level of innovative and technological development, but also pronounced socio-humanistic orientation has to become a result of these transformations.