Rivista di Criminologia, Vittimologia e Sicurezza (Mar 2015)
La perizia criminologica attraverso l’analisi di un caso
The author offers some thoughts based on the forensic and psychiatric expert’s report on the so-called “Cogne case” written by himself and requested by the Surveillance Court of Bologna (Tribunale di Sorveglianza). He will examine the documents of the proceedings regarding the sentencing phase from a hermeneutic criminological perspective, as to say by intending to comment and reinterpret a consultation activity in view of criminological expertise. This last report has never been formally admitted, but it is possible to use its operational schemata, as is the case here. In fact, the author, with these thoughts, aims to expand the debate concerning criminology, victimology and security. Undoubtedly, by following the paths of the export's report and the decisions of the Surveillance Court of Bologna, the author analyses the crime, the individual who was found guilty and he does not rule out either the possibility of evaluating the future behaviour of this person. Obviously, he does not intend to overlook the victim or any social defence issues, interpreted as aspects of security aiming to avoid the risk of re-occurence of deviant or anti-juridical behaviours.