Vojnotehnički Glasnik (Jul 2002)
Doprinos "Vojnotehničkog glasnika" teoriji i praksi vojnotehničkih nauka i logističke podrške / Contribution of the Military Technical Courier to the theory and practice of military science and logistic support
U proteklim godinama i decenijama u "Vojnotehničkom glasniku" (VTG) redali su se naučno-stručni radovi koji su odslikavali nove teorije i njihove primene u praksi, nove naučne discipline, tehnologije i matematičke modele. Bili su to zapaženi članci sa prikazom rezultata u oblastima osnovnih primenjenih i razvojnih istraživanja koja se realizuju u Vojsci Jugoslavije i naučnim institucijama izvan Vojske. Naučno-tehnološka dostignuća stvaraju teorijsku i materijalnu osnovu za stalno usavršavanje postojećih sistema naoružanja, a posebno za uvođenje novih, moćnijih i efikasnijih sistema čime se direktno utiče na razvoj strategije, taktike i logističke podrške oružane borbe. Ukoliko bi se u retrospekciji VTG zahtevala kompleksnija slika preseka u širem obimu prikaza sumarnih rezultata vojne teorije i prakse ovog stručnog i naučnog časopisa, teško da bi se u tome uspelo. Stoga će biti prikazan samo deo naučnog i stručnog doprinosa iz bogatog opusa VTG naglašavajući oblasti značajne za aktuelni proces reorganizacije Vojske Jugoslavije. / In the past years and decades in the Military Technical Courier (MTC), scientific-professional papers were held that reflected new theories and their applications in practice, new scientific disciplines, technologies and mathematical models. These were notable articles with the presentation of results in the areas of basic applied and developmental research carried out in the Army of Yugoslavia and scientific institutions outside the Army. Scientific and technological achievements create a theoretical and material basis for the continuous improvement of existing weapon systems, especially for the introduction of new, more powerful and efficient systems, which directly influence the development of strategy, tactics and logistical support of armed struggle. If in the retrospect of the MTC a more complex picture of the section in a wider scope of the summary of the summary results of military theory and practice of this expert and scientific journal is required, it would be difficult to do so. Therefore, only a part of the scientific and professional contribution from the rich MTC opus will be shown, highlighting areas significant for the current process of reorganization of the Yugoslav Army.