Indian Journal of Community Medicine (Jan 2019)
Revisiting the relevance of community medicine in undergraduate medical curriculum
There have been attempts recently to bring clarity as to the role/functions of the discipline of community medicine. Debates on whether community medicine is a discipline in itself and if so is it a clinical discipline has been there for decades across the world. As the departments of community medicine do not exclusively teach any clinical skill to undergraduate or postgraduates, it is difficult to argue that our discipline is a clinical discipline. Our stalwarts are also known for their work at community and government level and not as clinicians. Our current undergraduate course does not prepare the students adequately for their role in society, profession and health system. Our mandate is to prepare the would-be-doctors as a “finished product” to the country. Our training should address the current crisis that afflicts our profession. A list of learning objectives to be achieved in the three domains of profession, health system, and society and suggestions to improve the teaching of this discipline are provided in this paper.