Muzeológia a Kultúrne Dedičstvo (Sep 2018)
PREZENTÁCIA PAMIATOK V NITRE A OKOLÍ AKO JEDNA Z CIEST K BUDOVANIU POZITÍVNEHO VZŤAHU KU KULTÚRNEMU DEDIČSTVU (Presentation of monuments in Nitra and its surroundings as one of the methods for creating a positive attitude towards our cultural heritage)
Following the specialization of the department, our interest in the topic of cultural heritage is aimed mainly at monuments and archaeological sites, often in context of a wider background. Besides scientific investigation and teaching archaeology, we have been dealing with their popularization and presentation in recent years. The goal of this article is to present various popularization activities whose goal is, besides others, to reinforce relations towards cultural heritage and to develop historical consciousness. Our activities for primary school children as well as popularization activities for public related to archaeological sites which are being archaeologically investigated are very popular.