Intelligent Systems with Applications (Nov 2022)
Deep learning-based dot and globule segmentation with pixel and blob-based metrics for evaluation
Deep learning (DL) applied to whole dermoscopic images has shown unprecedented accuracy in differentiating images of melanoma from benign lesions. We hypothesize that accuracy in whole-image deep learning suffers because whole lesion analysis lacks an evaluation of dermoscopic structures. DL also suffers a “black box” characterization because it offers only probabilities to the physician and no visible structures. We propose the detection of structures called dots and globules as a means to improve precision in melanoma detection. We compare two encoder-decoder architectures to detect dots and globules: UNET vs. UNET++. For each of these architectures, we compare three pipelines: with test-time augmentation (TTA), without TTA, and without TTA but with checkpoint ensembles. We use an SE-RESNEXT encoder and a symmetric decoder. The pixel-based F1-scores for globule and dot detection based on UNET++ and UNET techniques with checkpoint ensembles were found to be 0.632 and 0.628, respectively. The blob-based UNET++ and UNET F1-scores (50 percent inter-section) were 0.696 and 0.685, respectively. This agreement score is over twice the statistical correlation score measured among specialists. We propose UNET++ globule and dot detection as a technique that offers two potential advantages: increased diagnostic accuracy and visible structure detection to better explain DL results and mitigate deep learning's black-box problem. We present a public globule and dot database to aid progress in automatic detection of these structures.