Podium (May 2018)
Methodology for the improvement of the didactic competence of the teacher of Physical Culture
Introduction: the education of the new generations must be conceived in close association with the interests and needs of society, and should be achieved through instruction, education and the development of the personality of the group, so that this integration satisfies the need to prepare a graduated in line with the demands of scientific and technical progress, and competent for technological change. It is the job of the university teacher to ensure the professional formation. Objective: the present research aims to develop a methodology for the improvement of the didactic competence of the Physical Culture teacher, integrating didactic aspects, giving interdisciplinary relations, and the articulation of knowledge, leading to the transformation of their way of acting in the training of graduates of this career. Materials and methods: in order to give treatment to this problematic, a diagnosis was made, consistent in the revision of 25 controls to classes, revision of the Plan of Studies E, and the different programs of disciplines. Results: the analysis of the previous information allowed to verify that in spite of existing a great number of evaluated controls of excellent, difficulties of didactic order are appreciated in the impartation of the classes. Conclusions: the importance of the proposed methodology is its contribution to the improvement of the teaching staff, and the achievement of a competent, creative and able to act in context during their professional performance.