Teoría de la Educación: Revista Interuniversitaria (Sep 2011)
Creativity or passion? What is at stake in philosophy with children?
Since the beginning of the 1990s we can notice a growing interest for philosophy with children. Children are considered as individuals with philosophical competences to construct the meaning of life themselves. In this paper we want to problematize this current interest in philosophy with children through an analysis of the particular subjectivity or figure that it mobilizes. The aim is to analyses the kind of figure that wants to philosophies (with children), the rationality of the relation to the self that characterizes such a figure and the way philosophy appears in this context. Our question is: what kind of figure emerges in and through this discourse on philosophy with children? We will argue that this discourse mobilizes what Bröckling has described as the figure of the entrepreneurial self. We conclude sketching another figure of the philosophical self, a figure who refuses the attitude of the entrepreneurial self.