Analele Universităţii din Craiova. Psihologie, Pedagogie (Jun 2023)
Involvement at work is a concern for researchers who propose strategies to retain employees and motivate them to work continuously. This issue has been the subject of much research in the American and European contexts. Despite the multiplicity of this research, one part has linked organizational justice and involvement at work in the African context in general and Cameroon in particular. This research aims to investigate the relationship between organizational justice and workplace involvement. To this end, a questionnaire composed of the organizational justice scales of Roy and the involvement at work scales of Allen and Meyer, preceded by a priming test and items measuring sociodemographic characteristics, was developed and administered to three subsamples (n = 25 x 3, N = 75) of contract teachers in the city of Yaoundé. The GraphPad PRISMR 5 software was used to test ANOVA. The results show that: distributive justice influences involvement at work (F(2)72 = 28.15; p < 0.0001), procedural justice influences involvement at work (F(2)72 = 30.24; p < 0.0001) and interactional justice influences involvement at work (F(2)72 = 26.102; p < 0.0001). These results can be a support likely to help the State, education partners and school heads who reflect on a daily basis on the strategies to be implemented to stimulate involvement at work among contract teachers.