Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute (Dec 2013)
Hazard risk and alert level in assessment of a rehabilitated urban lake
Ciuperca Lake, located in the floodplain area of the lower Danube, suffered a lot of interventions over time due to human activity. Man-made interventions started in 1830 and during the time changes have been made in shape, functions and role of the lake and the surrounding wetlands. Drainage, cleaning the lake, concrete banks on the lake shores transformed Ciuperca Lake from natural lake into a flood-protection area for the city and later into a recreational area for the citizens. Since 2011 the lake has been used as a recreational bathing area of Tulcea city. Due to these aspects two problem arise: the lack of information for the local authorities on water quality and on the dangers for exposing the population to the blooming of algae (if these later ones would take place). The phytoplankton of Ciuperca Lake is dominated by cyanobacteria having a wide range of temperature tolerance, their presence in water being recorded even under the ice coverage and has a great development-potential. The author’s assessment on hazard status and alert level could provide a pertinent analysis of the results of the rehabilitation program for improving the water quality of Ciuperca Lake and a better understanding of the necessity to include the inland water used for recreational purpose into a national monitoring program.