Huitzil (Oct 2017)
First nesting record on the ground of the Mottled Owl (Ciccaba virgata), in Grecia, Costa Rica
The Mottled Owl (Ciccaba virgata) is a common species in the Neotropics. Despite this, their reproductive behavior is not completely known. Here I describe the nest of this owl on the ground, registered in Grecia town, Costa Rica. The nest had two white eggs in a natural cavity on the ground, near a stream. During a second visit, two months later, I registered two chicks, apparently were healthy and feathered. The site where the nest was found is located under the influence of urban development projects, and is characterized by the presence of little arboreal vegetation, predominating agricultural permanent crops typical of the area, such as coffee and sugar cane. Probably, this new record of this owl species nesting on the ground is attributed to the scarcity of trees with natural cavities suitable for nesting.