Jurnal Neuroanestesi Indonesia (Apr 2017)
Tatalaksana Anestesi Pada Posisi Telungkup untuk Laminektomi Pengangkatan Tumor
Tindakan anestesi dengan posisi telungkup sering diperlukan guna memfasilitasi akses operasi pada berbagai tindakan bedah termasuk bedah saraf, antara lain pada tindakan pembedahan tulang belakang. Selain perubahan fisiologis, dapat juga terjadi beberapa komplikasi pada posisi telungkup yang harus mendapat perhatian khusus, sehingga diperlukan pemahaman yang baik akan masalah ini. Kasus: Telah dilakukan laminektomi guna pengangkatan tumor intra-ekstradura setinggi vertebra lumbal 4 sampai sakrum 2 dalam posisi telungkup pada seorang pasien laki-laki berusia 18 tahun. Pengaturan posisi dari telentang ke telungkup prabedah maupun pengembalian posisi dari telungkup ke telentang pascabedah, mendapat perhatian khusus. Status hemodinamik selama tindakan anestesi berlangsung dengan baik. Pascabedah, pasien di observasi di ruang pulih selama beberapa jam, kemudian dipindahkan ke ruang rawat setelah skor modifikasi dari Aldrete mencapai 10. Anesthesia Management In Prone Position For Laminectomy Tumor Removal Anesthesia procedure in the prone position was often necessary in order to facilitate access to a variety of surgical operations, including neurosurgery among others, the spine surgery. In addition to physiological changes, some complications can also occur in the prone position that should receive special attention, so it requires a good understanding of this issue. Case: Laminectomy was being done for removal of the tumor intra-ekstradura at 4th lumbar vertebra to 2nd sacrum vertebra in the prone position in a male patient aged 18 years. Arrangement of the supine position to prone position preoperative and return to the supine position of the postoperative, gets special attention. emodynamic status during anesthesia procedure was progressing well. Postoperative, patients in the observation in the recovery room for several hours, then transferred to the ward after modified Aldrete score reached 10.