Geodetski Vestnik (Jan 2011)
Vloga izvedenca geodetske stroke v nepravdnih postopkih ; The role of experts in the land surveying profession in non-contentious civil procedures
This article covers all the most relevant aspects of judicial expertise in the field of land surveying. It is focused on non-contentious civil procedures for the regulation of boundaries, for the division of common property, enforcement procedure for the division of property. Among them, the problems of division into divided co-ownership (condominium) were also taken into consideration. The author explains how the judge and the expert co-operate in the public hearing or outside of it to issue a court decision that is (together with expert's specific input) appropriate for inscription into the cadastre. In case of division of land with parcelling or in the case of division into a condominium, a further inscription into the land register is necessary. The advantage of this contribution is in author's taking a position on disputed questions in relationship between the legal and land surveying professions, by taking into consideration the legal sources from both sides ; Članek pokriva vse bistvene vidike udejstvovanja izvedenca geodetske stroke v sodnih postopkih. Pri tem se osredotoča na nepravdne postopke za ureditev mej, za delitev stvari in skupnega premoženja, za določitev nujne poti in izvršilni postopek za razdelitev stvari. Posebej je obravnavana problematika delitve na etažno lastnino, ki se konča z vpisom v kataster stavb in zemljiško knjigo. Avtorica pojasnjuje, kako sodnik in izvedenec sodelujeta na naroku in zunaj njega, ter opozarja, da mora sodna odločba skupaj z elaboratom omogočati vpis v kataster, pri delitvi nepremičnine s parcelacijo zemljišča ali z nastankom etažne lastnine pa tudi v zemljiško knjigo. Prispevek z uporabo pravnih virov z obeh področij pozitivno zaznamuje opredeljevanje do spornih vprašanj, ki se pojavljajo v razmerju med pravno in geodetsko stroko.