Nonconventional Technologies Review (Dec 2017)
In this article a Human Computer Interface (HCI) based on electro-oculogram (EOG) measurements will be presented. EOG domain is focusing on the human eye’s movements. The signals are recorded using Ag/AgCl electrodes and fed into an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and are processed by a computer or laptop. In our application the EOG signal processing program is running on a PC. Only 3 recording channels and electrodes were used in our setup. After processing and filtering, the program was able to give different commands based on the recorded EOG signals. The program used Artificial Neural Network (ANN) toolbox of MATLAB®. The proposed HCI can be used by healthy or by disabled people. Disabled people can use this HCI to control the computer / laptop or any electronic device connected to it. This HCI is meant to offer a new way of computer control - different than the other existing standard control possibilities (like keyboard and/or mouse) and it can be especially useful in the case of diseased people - by giving them a new or even the only way to communicate with the external world.