Вестник СибАДИ (Aug 2017)
Распределения мощности силовой установки гидропривода в технологическом процессе копания одноковшового экскаватора
Technological capabilities such digger is the excavator, depend on the power of the power plant, the type of work equipment, bucket capacity and drive systems. Performance indicators are excavator productivity, efficiency hydraulic drive expended power per unit volume of soil being developed, cost, minimal cycle times and state of the hydraulic drive. The article presents the results of the hydraulic drive of the internal energy research, which has been interpreted through an understanding of the power distribution principle of the hydraulic drive and the power plant. Established the most energy-intensive operation, causing overvoltage elements of the power plant and the hydraulic drive. Proposed the scientific concept of energy efficiency increase shovel capacity through redistribution allowed to expand the knowledge base in the field of efficiency of operation of earthmoving machinery.