Journal of Education and Health Promotion (Jan 2020)
The effect of educational intervention on health-promoting lifestyle: Intervention mapping approach
BACKGROUND: The health-promoting lifestyle by empowering individuals will increase control over their health, improve quality of life, and prevent diseases. The purpose of the present study was to determine the effect of the educational intervention based on the intervention mapping approach on health-promoting lifestyle in Iranian college students. METHODS: This study is a quasi-experimental control study that was conducted in two groups of 65 students of Iran University of Medical Sciences in 2018–2019. The data were collected using the Health-Promoting Lifestyle Standard Profile II questionnaire and a researcher-made questionnaire based on the mapping approach, whose validity and reliability were confirmed. The educational intervention was designed according to the pretest results, including five training sessions and performed for the intervention group. The two groups were evaluated with the same questionnaires 1 month and 3 months later, and the data were analyzed using independent t-test, Spearman, ANCOVA, ANOVA test, and covariance. Results: Before the intervention, no significant difference was observed between the mean scores of health-promoting behaviors in the two groups, but after the intervention, the mean scores of attitude, subjective norms, enabling factors, and perceived self-efficacy and mean scores of health-promoting lifestyle and its dimensions increased significantly in the intervention group (P < 0.001) compared to the control group. Conclusion: The educational intervention is effective in improving behaviors related to health-promoting lifestyle and its dimensions. Therefore, performing educational interventions are suggested to adopt and adhere to behaviors related to health-promoting lifestyle by utilizing and reinforcing perceived self-efficacy, subjective norms, enabling factors, and attitudinal change.