Časopis pro Moderní Filologii (Jun 2015)
Vývoj slovosledu kondicionálového auxiliáru : Development of the Word Order of the Conditional Auxiliary
The paper deals with the development of word order of the conditional auxiliary in Old and Middle Czech which has changed into a permanent enclitic form. The paper is based on data gained from the Old and Middle Czech Bible translations (The Gospel of Matthew). The aim of the paper is to detect all possible word-order positions of these auxiliary forms in Old and Middle Czech. The analysis shows that the conditional auxiliary behaves as a ′stable′ enclitic in the explored older Czech Bibles, except when it is an auxiliary in the function of a subjunctor. According to the explored data it seems that the post-initial (2P) word-ordering of the Czech enclitic became established in Old Czech and that verb-adjacent (VA) word- -ordering was retreating at that time.