Antarctic Record (Feb 1980)
ULF Waves in the Magnetosphere : A Review for 1978 (d. ULF Waves in the Magnetosphere) (Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Coordinated Observations of the Ionosphere and Magnetosphere in the Polar Regions : Part I)
Pc 3-5 geomagnetic pulsations which are currently considered to be generated in the magnetosheath and resonated to a matched period of toroidal oscillations in the magnetosphere have added an advanced recognition of azimuthal wave characteristics propagating from the noon meridian in the magnetosphere. based upon multipoint observations both along the geostationary orbit and along the auroral zone on the ground. Examples supporting a local field line resonance model are found for Pc 4 within the plasmasphere. Another class of micropulsations which are generated within the magnetosphere associated with ring-current proton and auroral zone disturbances are also reviewed.