Reproductive Health (Jul 2022)
Determinants of pre-eclampsia among women attending delivery services in public health institutions of Debre Tabor Town: a case–control study
Plain language summary Pre-eclampsia has continued as a burden in both developed and developing countries. However, the consequence of the disease is significantly high in developing countries, where treatment may be unsuccessful due to unclear etiology and late presentation of cases. Unmatched case–control study was conducted from December 1, 2020, to January 15, 2021, among 264 mothers (88 cases and 176 controls). A case–control incidence density sampling approach was applied and data were collected using an interviewer-administered pre-tested questionnaire. Young age at menarche (10–15 years), the status of the current pregnancy, new partner, family history of pre-eclampsia, and alcohol drinking were found to be the significant determinant factors of pre-eclampsia. The authors recommended that health care providers should use the identified factors as a screening means for prediction, early diagnoses, and timely interventions of pre-eclampsia. Health care professionals should also deliver information regarding the risk of alcohol drinking during pregnancy in the preconception period and at early antennal care service.