Научно-аналитический вестник Института Европы РАН (Apr 2020)

«Ukrainian Transit»-5. Local Elections as a Test for Ukraine

  • Victor Mironenko



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Ukraine is in a state of transformation, in search of an adequate social and political model. The degree of freedom there, manifested in a long electoral cycle ranging from the last presidential election to the forthcoming local elections, stand the country in the general picture of the so-called «post-Soviet space». The processes taking place in Ukraine are of great interest in terms of its further evolution and place in Europe and in a dramatically changing world. Another article from the Ukrainian Studies Centre of the Institute of Europe RAS cycle, proposed by the Centre, examines the situation in the run-up to the local elections scheduled for the end of October, their organization, their significance and possible consequences. The author believes that the closing electoral cycle of local elections in may mark the end of a relatively long period of Ukraine’s recent history and the beginning of a reboot of its entire political system.
