Encyclopaideia (Oct 2014)
Sharing for building. Efficacy processes of Cooperative Learning in multicultural contexts of primary school
Several studies show the importance of social interaction as a paradigm of education and the efficacy of Cooperative Learning in promoting the development of relational competences that facilitate the learning process.In this contribution the author critically focuses on Cooperative Learning (Learning Together Technique) in a multicultural class of a primary school in Trentino. The longitudinal case study - that involved 19 pupils, 38 parents and 13 teachers - was generated by the need to identify and enhance the efficacy elements which, first of all, help the establishment of an intercultural group based on trustworthy relationships and then can create a supporting environment for the class learning process.After a presentation of the chosen methodology, the author presents the results obtained in the three main areas (intercultural education, parents’ co-operation in school and Cooperative Learning efficacy), discussing the presence of specific synergistic factors of transferability to other contexts.