Glasnik Antropološkog Društva Srbije (Jan 2012)
Quantitative defining of acetabulum using 3D-CAD model of hip joint
Finding a real acetabulum position is an important clinical and biomechanical problem. Knowing the exact linear and angle dimensions is of vital importance for the success of numerous clinical and biomechanical procedures. 3D hip joint model was developed in this study in an original way on the basis of CT data. We used the potentials of CAD software CA TIA V-5 and its modules. We showed multiple clinical applications of this method, such as: Pre-operative planning in hip arthroplasty, making individualized implants and biomechanical measurements. Also, we compared this method to other similar methods of visualization and 3D reconstruction in medicine. Our parameter-defined 3D acetabulum model is characterized by complete (dimensionism) and photorealistic presentation. Other programs have only one or other previously mentioned features.. We showed the possibility for improving the perfection of presented CAD method and we proposed the methods of how to achieve the same.