National Journal of Community Medicine (Apr 2016)

Prevalence Of Diabetes Mellitus in An Urbanized Village of East Delhi

  • Raghavendra AH,
  • Pragti Chabra,
  • Arun Kumar Sharma,
  • Madhu SV

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 04


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Introduction: Diabetes mellitus has reached epidemic proportions globally. The World Health Organization estimated that there will 300 million cases of diabetes in the world by year 2025 and maximum number of cases expected in India. As there is no efficient surveillance system in India for non communicable diseases, epidemiological studies are urgently needed in this region of the country. Aims and objectives: To determine the prevalence of Diabetes mellitus in an urbanized village of East Delhi and factors associated with Diabetes mellitus. Materials and methods: This is a community based cross sectional study, conducted in residents of Gazipur. Sample size came to be 451 considering prevalence of Diabetes as 12.0%. Capillary blood was used find the blood sugar level. Fasting level and OGTT (Oral Glucose Tolerance Test) was done to find the prevalence of Diabetes. Results: Prevalence of Diabetes was found to be 15.3%; Higher the body mass index (BMI) and longer duration of stay in urban area higher was the prevalence of diabetes. Conclusions: Older age group, higher BMI and longer duration of stay in urban area have significant associations with the higher prevalence of diabetes.
