الضحی (Jul 2021)
تسعیر کی فقہی حیثیت سےمتعلق آراء کا تحقیقی مطالعہ
In jurisprudential terms, setting the price of goods by the government and ordering traders to sell goods at the same price is called pricing. According to iman Abu Hanifa, imam shafi, and imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, under normal circumstances. The government does not have the right to set the prices of goods. According to Iman Malik, it is permissible for the government to fix the prices of goods in the market to protect the people from harm. Hanfi jurists have allowed pricing with one condition. Such as when there is artificial inflation in the market due to collusion of traders or hoarding and price is being doubled. Then it is permissible for the government to fix prices in order to protect the public from harm. According to our research this opinion is preferred. Nowadays while stockpiling and commericial monopolies are common in the market, it is important for the government to set prices in the public interest and to protect them from harm.