Distances et Médiations des Savoirs (Oct 2019)

État des lieux de la recherche francophone sur les formations ouvertes et à distance

  • Emmanuel Béché,
  • Daniel K. Schneider

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 27


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In this article, we present a state of research in French on open and distance learning (ODL). It results from a manual thematic analysis of reading notes from 323 online scientific papers, mostly centered on the « distance » and « opening » aspects of ODL. Our results describe the history of ODL as the entanglement of pedagogy and mediation technology. They also link the conditions of their implementation to their contexts. At the heart of these techno-pedagogical systems, where distance is predominant, are engineering, mediation, and mediatization. This distance induces diverse educational relationship modes, and various forms of “gaps” to fill through tutoring and collaborative activities. Our results also highlight several theoretical models of ODL that emerge from studies on that topic. These include sociotechnical, critical, spatial-metaphorical, appropriation, hybridization, transactional distance, industrialization, economization and internationalization approaches.
