Revista Portuguesa de Educação (Jan 2012)

Formação para a docência universitária: uma reflexão sobre o desafio de humanizar a cultura científica

  • Carlinda Leite,
  • Kátia Ramos

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 25, no. 1
pp. 7 – 27


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During the last years the pedagogical and didactical training of university teachers has become the focus of several institutions, a situation that was not common at this level of education. The importance of this aspect of teaching was present in the World Declaration on Higher Education (1998) and won more expression with the Bologna Declaration (1999). It is in the recognition that the training of university teachers must also pass by the pedagogicaldidactical component that some higher education institutions have been conducting training operations for updating, which constitute opportunities for reflection on teaching. This being the problem in this text, we feature in it challenges to teaching in this beginning of the XXI century and analyze an experience developed at the University of Porto, questioning the possibilities of these actions to configure spaces for dialogue between humanistic culture and scientific culture and contribute to a (re)contextualization of the know-how.