Revista CENIC Ciencias Químicas (May 2002)
Essential oil of Hyptis verticillata Jacq. from Cuba
About 40 Hyptis species, which belongs to the botanical family Labiatae, are known to grow in the warmer zones of America, West Africa and West India. One of those, Hyptis verticillata, is an odoriferous plant and occurs as a natural weed on Cuba.1 This species is reported to be effective in alleviating colds, marasmus and gout in Caribbena folk medicine.2,3 Besides, it shows promising antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties,4 as well as acaricidal and pesticide activities. 5 A review of the literature reveals that the volatiles of this plant have only been studied in Brazil. The plant material was collected in Cuba´s Westernmost province, Pinar del Río. A voucher specimen of the plant has been deposited at the herbarium of the Higher Institute of Teaching of Pinar del Río. Identity of the plant has been confirmed by one of the uthors (A.U.).