Nuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos (Jan 2012)

Conceptualizando América. Historia de los conceptos e ideas fuera de lugar

  • Ángel Octavio Álvarez Solís



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In this essay I speak in favour of a meta-metodology of historical research which is based upon the general principles of conceptual history. My hypothesis is that conceptual history is a theoretical and methodological resource that improves the empirical research on Latin American political historiography, as well as operating as a heuristic model of historical research, a theory of historical knowledge and a historical epistemology that allows to break up some problems that history of ideas and history of institutions undergo. My conclusion is that conceptual history applied to Latin American political historiography necessarily implicates a revisionist process. Hence, this enables new conceptual variations opposed or not to the conceptual trends of European history. It entails above all that Latin American political concepts be founded.
