Jurnal Agripet (Apr 2021)
Pengaruh Waktu Penyimpanan Seasoning Whey Kefir terhadap Kualitas Fisik, Kimia dan Mikrobiologis
ABSTRAK. Mutu produk seasoning whey kefir sangat dipengaruhi oleh kualitas bahan baku, proses pengolahan, proses fermentasi dan waktu penyimpanan. Perubahan nilai gizi dapat terjadi karena proses penyimpanan yang akan mempercepat kerusakan terhadap produk seasoning whey kefir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu penyimpanan terhadap total asam laktat, pH, kadar protein, Total Plate Count (TPC), dan Angka Kapang Khamir (AKK). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen laboratorium dengan pola Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 perlakuan dan 6 ulangan. Perlakuan yang dicobakan yaitu waktu penyimpanan 0 hari (P0), 7 hari (P1), 14 hari (P2), 21 hari (P3) dan 28 hari (P4). Analisis data menggunakan Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan waktu penyimpanan memberikan perbedaan yang sangat nyata (P0,01) terhadap total asam laktat, pH, kadar protein, Total Plate Count (TPC), dan Angka Kapang Khamir (AKK). Disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan seasoning whey kefir dapat bertahan dan layak untuk dikonsumsi selama 14 hari penyimpanan pada suhu refrigerator (0-4°C) dengan nilai total asam laktat 1,12%, pH 4,30, kadar protein 1,06%, Total Plate Count (TPC) 3,73 log cfu/ml dan Angka Kapang Khamir (AKK) 2,92 log cfu/ml. (The effect of storage period on the physical, chemical and microbiological qualities) ABSTRACT. Seasoning whey kefir quality is strongly in fluenced by raw materials, processing, fermentation and storage. Changes in nutritional value may occur due to prolonge storage which will accelerate deterioration of seasoning whey kefir. This study aims to determine the effect of storage period on total lactic acid, pH, protein content, Total Plate Count (TPC), mold and yeast. The research method used was a laboratory experiment with a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatment and 6 replications. The treatment tested was storage period 0 days (P0), 7 days (P1), 14 days (P2), 21 days (P3) and 28 days (P4) on whey kefir seasoning. The data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The result showed that as the storage period gave a very significant difference (P0.01) to total lactic acid, pH, protein content, Total Plate Count (TPC), mold and yeast. The use of whey kefir seasoning can last and are suitable for consumption during a period of 7-14 days of storage at refrigerator temperature (0-4°C) with the total value of lactic acid 1,12%, pH 4,30, protein content 1,06%, Total Plate Count (TPC) 3,73 log cfu/ml, mold and yeast 2,92 log cfu/ml.