Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo (Jul 2021)
Psicología, motivaciones de cambio agroecológico y procesos de aprendizajes
In 2015, the Campus Tabasco Colegio de Posgraduados (Mexico) initiated project PM16-6089, in which through horizontal learning processes, a group of farmers changed from conventional to agroecological management of cocoa cultivation. The objective the present study is based on this project: to learn about the motivations of the farmers in the change from conventional to agroecological cocoa cultivation in the Chontalpa region of Tabasco. It was carried out by means of a mixed methodological approach. A Likert scale was applied, designed according to Maslow's theory (1991) and his needs (physiological, security, social needs of love and belonging, self-esteem and self-fulfillment) to identify the motivations of the participating farmers. For the qualitative aspect, a semi-structured interview was applied to record the experience, limitations and expectations with respect to this productive change. The results showed that the five levels of needs were considered High-relatively important, in the agroecological activities; Self-esteem and Self-realization were distinguished in the category of Very high-very important. They revealed motivations for personal and collective achievement, development of potential, spirituality and harmony with nature. The limitations identified were: low price of cocoa, advanced age of the farmers, lack of generational replacement and lack of public policies to support the crop.