中西医结合护理 (Aug 2022)
Nursing of a patient with multiple osteochondromas-induced pseudoaneurysm (1例多发性骨软骨瘤诱发假性动脉瘤患者的护理体会)
This paper summarized the experience of clinical nursing of a patient with multiple osteochondromas-induced pseudoaneurysm. Key issues of nursing included risk assessment, prevention of hemorrhage, psychological care, body position management, prevention of complications and functional exercise. Diversified nursing based on multidisciplinary team ensures the success of surgical treatment and shows a positive effect on prevention of complications. (本文总结1例多发性骨软骨瘤诱发假性动脉瘤患者的临床护理经验, 包括风险评估、预防出血、心理护理、体位护理、并发症预防、功能锻炼等。通过多学科联合会诊, 开展多元化护理措施, 有助于患者手术的顺利完成, 对预防相关并发症有积极意义。)