Plant Methods (Sep 2022)
The mechanisms and prediction of non-structural carbohydrates accretion and depletion after mechanical wounding in slash pine (Pinus elliottii) using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy
Abstract Background The allocation of non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs) plays a critical role in the physiology and metabolism of tree growth and survival defense. However, little is known about the allocation of NSC after continuous mechanical wounding of pine by resin tapping during tree growth. Results Here, we examine the NSC allocation in plant tissues after 3 year lasting resin tapping, and also investigate the use of near-infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy to quantify the NSC, starch and free sugar (e.g., sucrose, glucose, and fructose) concentrations in different plant tissues of slash pine. Spectral measurements on pine needle, branch, trunk phloem, and root were obtained before starch and free sugar concentrations were measured in the laboratory. The variation of NSC, starch and free sugars in different plant tissues after resin tapping was analyzed. Partial least squares regression was applied to calibrate prediction models, models were simulated 100 times for model performance and error estimation. More NSC, starch and free sugars were stored in winter than summer both in tapped and control trees. The position of resin tapping significantly influenced the NSCs allocation in plant tissues: more NSCs were transformed into free sugars for defensive resin synthesis close to the tapping wound rather than induced distal systemic responses. Models for predicting NSC and free sugars of plant tissues showed promising results for the whole tree for fructose (R2 CV = 0.72), glucose (R2 CV = 0.67), NSCs (R2 CV = 0.66) and starch (R2 CV = 0.58) estimates based on NIR models. Models for individual plant tissues also showed reasonable predictive ability: the best model for NSCs and starch prediction was found in root. The significance multivariate correlation algorithm for variable selection significantly reduced the number of variables. Important variables were identified, including features at 1021–1290 nm, 1480, 1748, 1941, 2020, 2123 and 2355 nm, which are highly related to NSC, starch, fructose, glucose and sucrose. Conclusions NIR spectroscopy provided a rapid and cost-effective method to monitor NSC, starch and free sugar concentrations after continuous resin tapping. It can be used for studying the trade-off between growth and production of defensive metabolites.